Iceman Studios

Process of the coloration and shadings (2016)

Here a small insight into the process of producing an artwork. The finished sketch will be scanned before I start to finishing it. So I have an backup for later if something going wrong with the artowork, which never occurred in the past 13 years. Usually I’m starting from the top (exceptions prove the rule). Some details are added later. At first I colorating the larger areas, put the shades inside and at the end the black lines (outlines). Then I surfaces the structure and make it completed and adapted. Shadow on dark surfaces will be added. This process is not really nice for the paper, but I have my techniques so I can touch up errors in the paper. Glossy effects as E.g. at the great pumpkin I sat with an eraser. In the gloss effect, something residual color should be included so that it is more dynamic. Also shadows that dynamically darker or lighter depending on the shadows will be added later on the base surface of the shadings. Everything is made by hand, so the drawing process of this artwork takes about 20 hours.

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